You heard right.. Over the last 30 months a large portion of our riding scene, riders from outside our scene, and some very supportive parents have been chipping in to help fund our own indoor ramp warehouse, and now that we have DOUBLED our number of ramps and warehouse space, we would now would like to invite you to our second Open House, on Saturday September 14th from Noon-5pm.
$10 to ride box spine & quarter resi & foam and BOTH of our massive outdoor Mega Jump & BFJ ramps (no membership required, only waiver & parent if under 18) Music/DJ, FREE to Party. Want to ride 24/7? 20% OFF 6 Month Keyholder Memberships if paid in full on 9/14/2012 ($480+tax)
We’re pumping this thing every day at the Minnesota State Fair. See you at The Factory on the 14th. 3300 5th St NE Minneapolis MN 55418
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