Emergency Situations
The Factory does it’s best to provide an environment to learn BMX/skate/scooter/etc. tricks and stunts as safely as possible. However, these activities are inherently dangerous. Please be aware and prepared of how to handle potential emergency situations.
Be Prepared!
- It is always recommended that you ride with at least one other person present in case of an emergency
- If you are riding by yourself, make sure someone will check in with you or you will check in with them at an agreed upon time
- Make sure your/a phone is easily accessible in case of injury
- For serious injury call 911 or assign someone to call 911
- Once the situation is under control, contact Dustin Grice immediately at 952-200-7732
- Attend to the injured person until emergency services arrive – do NOT leave them unattended
- Head injuries (source www.mayoclinic.org)
- Keep the person still until medical help arrives
- Stop any bleeding with direct pressure unless a skull fracture is suspected
- Watch for changes in breathing and alertness
- Broken bone (source www.mayoclinic.org)
- Stop any bleeding with direct pressure
- Immobilize the injured area
- Apply ice packs to limit swelling and help relieve pain if possible
- Treat for shock by laying down and elevating legs