Today is the day! Look at that photo from 5 years ago! Without your support this wouldn’t have been possible… 5 years ago on this exact same day, February 1st, 2011 Minnesota BMX riders Evan Moyle and Dustin Grice found and placed the first few steps into our warehouse in Minneapolis. They signed the very first lease for our own indoor riding facility.
The idea was simple, run it like a 24 hour fitness. Unlike any other skatepark ever, give riders 24/7 keyholder access for a simple $100/month. And that exact same idea and cost has never changed. Little did we know that it would start to become one of Minnesota’s longest running indoor parks, and completely change park riding around our scene cranking out some of the world’s most talented riders of all ages.
It has taken us a long time to piece this facility together outside of working our normal full time jobs, however by now we’re sure you have noticed the drive of the place and the forward direction that everything has moved since the first ramp we built in The Factory out of OSB/chipwood. lol We are working our hardest to continuously improve the overall experience & sustainability of The Factory, everything from the facility itself, the ramps, the overall look & paint, lighting, leaks, cleanliness, friendliness, our events, our shows, our website, payment options, convenience, email newsletters, social media Facebook & Instagram, filming, editing YouTube videos, graphics, t-shirts, stickers, photography, instructors, lessons, birthday parties, rental bikes, helmets & pads, maintaining relationships with our neighbors, sponsors, events, liability waivers, insurance, taxes, dealing with issues in general… Even drama! lol it’s unreal There are just so many different things that go into this place that most people have no idea or even think about. It has taken us a very long time to dial everything in & we thank you for your patience as we continue working our other full time jobs like normal and then simply riding bikes for fun in the evenings at our little side project hobby facility in Minneapolis. That should give you a real good idea of how this place has evolved.
Right now is the absolute best time that anyone has ever had to ride The Factory, please take advantage of it. It is “Life Changing”. That is the only way many of the keyholders & families can describe it. HUGE THANK YOU to our very first members, builders, parents & families, kids, all riders, events & sponsors, visitors from out of town, you have all a part of something very, very special. We can’t wait to see what happens these next 5 years… Today marks the very first day of Year 6.
Thank you again so much, we look forward to seeing you soon, and announcing our 5 year anniversary Open House party date this spring!
What a ride this has been.
-The Factory Family